Antiperspirants that May Work for You

Are you experiencing excessive underarm sweating or hyperhidrosis? Sometimes, this problem could affect one’s social life.  It can actually hinder you to do fun things that could result to embarrassing armpit sweat. For example, it can prevent you from being close to another person or even hug the person because your shirt is full of armpit sweat. Sometimes, you try to avoid the fun stuff such as outdoor activities, sports, or going to a crowded area since these could cause too much heat that could result to too much underarm perspiration. There are people who even limit the colors of their clothes to just white and black to conceal the sweat marks on the armpit area. 

One of the most effective ways to solve the problem is by Underarm Excessive Sweating Surgery.  It is important to consult your local dermatologist before undergoing the procedure to ensure safety. If you happen to be in the Philippines and Palau, drop by Dr. Almond Derla’s clinic, LaEstetica International. 

If you are not yet ready for this kind of treatment, there are several antiperspirants that you can use to temporarily solve the problem:
1. Drysol Extra Strength 20% Solution- For some users, the effect was overnight while it was gradual for others. There are those who complained that it was too dry and caused itchiness or burning sensation.

2. Hydrosal Gel Antiperspirant- Users claim that the product is indeed effective but there are still a few who experienced itchiness after several times of using it.

3. Mitchum Clinical Performance- From the reviews I scanned, most users experienced dark scabs after a few times using it but there are also a few who attest that this product  works for them more as a deodorant than antiperspirant. It doesn’t stop the sweating but it controls the sweat.

4. Certain Dri Antiperspirant Roll-On- Most reviews are positive. It stops the sweating and itchiness is only experienced when too much is applied on the skin.

5. Odaban- It is quite expensive but it helps stop sweating and eliminate body odor after a few times of using it. It is best to use when armpit is dry to prevent itching.

If you don't know where to purchase these items, try buying online :).